Truth & Justice League’s Spotlight on Some Amazing, Environmentally Friendly Science Breakthroughs

For the last decade, Mark Mueller, one of America’s top trial lawyers and Environmental Advocates, has dedicated much of his time to exposing the human and environmental consequences of the release of thousands and thousands of industrial chemicals into our air, water, and land, that have created a deadly human science experiment to discover the effects of chemicals, radiation, and pharmaceuticals on us and the world.

And in this new Network TV Special, our news team visits with Mark at his Truth & Justice headquarters in Austin Texas to discuss some Environmentally Friendly Science Breakthroughs.

Featured are Chris Searles of BioIntegrity, Sam Baker of Wrigglebrew, and Jim Morris, an award-winning environmental author, who are all working on environmentally conscious projects that look to solve issues currently plaguing environmental health.

Chris Searles’s BioIntegrity is a nonprofit organization committed to empowering people to protect and restore the Earth’s biological integrity.

Sam Baker’s Wrigglebrew is a groundbreaking biotechnology company that uses microorganisms to digest and destroy plastic waste, converting it into profitable organic fertilizer safe for use in any application.

And Jim Morris who has won more than 80 awards for his work, including the IRE Medal, the George Polk award, the Sidney Hillman award, three National Association of Science Writers awards and three Edward R. Murrow awards.

Mark will discuss how their connections came to be and what inspired him to shine the Truth and Justice League spotlight on their unique projects.

They will detail what they hope to accomplish with featuring and working with environmentally conscious projects.

Remember we should always keep in view that moral element which transcends all persons and parties, and which alone makes the basis of a true and lasting national prosperity to Save Our Planet.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; We borrow it from our children.

For further information please contact Truth & Justice League @