Justice In America – Metro Atlanta Recovery Residences $77.5 Million Verdict for Wrongful Death

Nicholas Carusillo struggled with substance abuse from the time he was a teenager growing up in North Carolina. He began to show signs of bipolar disorder in his late teens, and his diagnosis was confirmed by the time he was 20.

On Aug. 29, 2017 Nick admitted himself voluntarily into Metro Atlanta Recovery Residences, or MARR because he was absolutely desperate for help.

MARR advertises itself on their website that they “are committed to helping our patients achieve long-lasting recovery using research-backed substance abuse treatment methods. See why we are one of the top drug and alcohol treatment centers in Atlanta.”

They even amazingly self-promote themselves with seemingly deceptive slogans, “We walk with you for life”

“We strive to nurture those connections long after treatment completion by offering a strong alumni program. From service work and alumni activities to aftercare groups and speaker meetings, our mission is to provide ongoing support for alumni so they can live “happy, joyous, and free” lives in recovery ,quoting one of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
– Step 12, Alcoholics Anonymous

Unfortunately, despite all of MARR’s self-laudatory promotional advertising and the actions of MARRs psychiatrist, Dr Richard Waldman, an Atlanta jury awarded Nick’s parents, Mike and Tina, a total of about $77.7 million verdict in this medical malpractice/ wrongful death case.

In this Insider Exclusive “Justice in America Network TV Special”, our investigative new teams sits down in Atlanta with Nick’s parents, Mike and Tina Carusillo, and their lawyers Dax Lopez and Natalie Woodward, to hear firsthand why this jury awarded a record verdict against MARR, for some of the outrageous and negligent actions taken by their staff, particularly Dr Richard Waldman, MARR’s psychiatrist.

Dr Waldman did not believe Nick was truly bipolar and he stopped Nick’s lithium cold turkey and reduced his Seroquel to a non-therapeutic level. But Nick’s bipolar diagnosis clearly showed he had a history of psychosis and manic episodes if taken off his medication.

Three weeks later, MARR’s forced Nick to leave, against his will, because Nick allegedly violated a rule by having an unauthorized cell phone.

He begged to stay and his parents begged he be allowed to stay but MARR refused.

Two days later, Nick, while in a psychotic state, walked onto Interstate 85 at 4:00 am and laid down naked in the fetal position facing traffic and was hit by multiple cars and killed.

Additionally, it was proven in court that MARR deceptively and fraudulently manipulated Nick’s medical records, backdating them to look like they had been written while Nick was still at MARR. But Audit trails don’t lie. And the jury saw MARR’s actions for what they are…. FRAUD

You can reach Natalie Woodward @ WARSHAUER WOODWARD ATKINS https://warlawgroup.com/personal-injury-attorneys-in-atlanta/natalie-woodward/ and Dax Lopez @ DGL Attorneys At Law https://www.dglattorneys.com/attorneys/dax-lopez/